
How to Make a Level Book for Surveying in Excel

Level Book for Surveying.

This method is useful for irrigation engineering, drainage, and Road cross-section. By using this method, we can also find the volume of earthwork in excavation, cutting, or filling in any embankment. This method is also helpful for earthwork calculation in civil engineering projects.

You can also draw a cross-section of roads which makes it easier to understand the level and conditions of the proposed canal or roads with Excel, you can design the cross-section of any canal or road in the most efficient way. This makes it easier for engineers to analyze different water courses and road levels in a swift manner. Generally, these two methods are used in surveying in civil engineering.

i)    Hight of Instrument Method.            
ii)    Rise and Fall Method.

        Civil Engineering Field Book for Surveying

The main advantage of this method is that it is easy to learn and use with simple steps, and you can easily draw a cross-section of any canal or river, which is much easier than doing the same task manually. Additionally, with this method, you will be able to view the water depths and width of the canal for different points in a graphical format. By following these guidelines, you will be able to draw cross sections of any kind of canal in Excel with ease.
We can use leveling for the following purposes:
  1. land surveyor
  2. chain surveying
  3. boundary survey
  4. plane surveying
  5. field surveyor
 It is also possible to export the data in Excel and make the required changes in it. Additionally, you will learn how to use these data in AutoCAD software and draw cross sections in there and export them in a .dwg file. This method is very helpful for surveyors, engineers, and many other professionals working in the field of surveying engineeringcivil engineering

👇👇👇Please Click on this link to download the Excel file. 
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